Sunday, April 6, 2014

I think I'm done with this, sorry if you wantd to read more. If you want to see my art, look me up on deviant art.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Been a While

So, its been a while since I last posted but I had a lot going on, and still do!

First order of buisness, I began watching Sherlock not too terribly long ago. As a direct result of this, I now have two Sherlock related fanfictions posted at these links:

I do have an Ao3 account, I just havn't done anything with it yet. I'm still getting a feel for the site.

Second, I just got an order for clay dragon figurines of the band KISS. I'm sure you've heard of them. I might be posting pics of those later. I'm very excited to be making them. If you decide you must have a dragon of your own, email me at

Thirdly, in the future I promise I will be on here more. Once I get a tablet that has unrestricted internet access, it will be easier to post more. Also, I will be putting up pictures of my art! :)